Meet The Team: James – I.T Support

• Written by Josh

Welcome to our latest staff blog post entry. This is your chance to find out more about the highly-talented team here at LifeConnect24, along with what it is like to work for the nation’s favourite personal alarm provider.

Today we speak with James who has been with LifeConnect24 for five months now, as part of our Data Admin and I.T Support team.

About James

  • Name – James
  • Age – 26
  • Hobbies and interests – Music, listening and playing. Mostly play bass guitar, but I also dabble with acoustic guitar, drums and synth.
  • Favourite Food – Fajitas, Pizza.
  • Favourite TV series – hard to pick one but right now it’s gotta be Game of Thrones!
  • Favourite Car – My first car, a cream ’71 Mini with black racing stripes! That car will always have a special place in my heart.

What is your role at LifeConnect24?

My job title here at LifeConnect24 is Data Admin & IT Support. I basically try to diagnose and fix any issues with personal workstations and IT infrastructure within the office, and make improvements when possible. My goal is to ensure that everyone has the tools and reliable hardware to work as efficiently as possible.

I also work on our security software to ensure that our I.T systems are secure. This is vital as it also ensures that our customer’s personal details are protected from any online threats.

Describe a normal day in the office?

I arrive at the office on my scooter and the first thing I do is make myself a cup of tea. When I get to my desk I check my emails and the monitoring systems, which I have set up for any issues with the network or mail server. Occasionally I will have a few IT issues logged already from other members of the team, in which case I will deal with them first.

Once I’ve read through my emails and fixed any IT issues, depending on how long that takes, I’ll either have my lunch – sometimes we order delivery food, other times our boss brings ice cream or cake – or continue working on a database audit.

Often I will take some time to talk to team members who I’m collaborating with to flesh out a concept or solidify a plan for our project. Occasionally we’ll just be talking about Game of Thrones – which is my favourite programme on TV right now!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

One thing I love is that a ‘normal day’ is a rare thing here! If it’s quiet I can listen to music and work on a project, but most days I will be out and about doing all kinds of things – fixing a printer at another office, swapping parts out of PCs, running Ethernet lines through a new office or setting up the furniture!

The variety here at LifeConnect24 certainly helps to keep things interesting and I’m always learning new skills here.

What makes LifeConnect24 a good company to work for?

I really enjoy working here due to friendly co-workers, self-driven project work and lots of fun social events at the weekend.

Why should the elderly and disabled consider buying a personal alarm?

Elderly and disabled people should definitely consider buying a personal alarm if they are concerned about their safety and independence at home. They have as much right to a normal home life as anyone else and should be able to feel secure and continue to live independently.

I Love My Job Because…

I get to learn about and work with computers and other interesting, challenging projects with a great team of dedicated and smart people.

This was our fifth entry in the Meet The Team blog series. You can find out more about the team by clicking on the links below:

Keep checking the LifeConnect24 blog in order to meet more members of our team in the coming weeks! 

LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring

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