Exercise Safely with a Personal Alarm

• Written by @Lifeline24

In later life, it’s important to stay active. Regular exercise helps you stay healthy, strengthening bones and muscles, which can help to reduce the risk of falls. However, if you have experienced a fall in the past, you may be reluctant to try new exercises in case you experience another. This could have a negative effect on your overall wellbeing. Fortunately, you can stay safe when exercising with a personal alarm.

The Benefits of Exercise

We have discussed the benefits of exercise on our blog before. It’s important to get into the habit of exercising regularly, as this is the only way to make sure you reap the rewards.

In some ways, exercising helps to reverse the effects of ageing. Getting older changes how our body works, including reduced muscle mass and reduced calcium absorption. Later life increases your chances of developing conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis. However, keeping fit through exercise helps to keep your body strong, improving muscle mass and bone strength.

It also helps you control your weight, not only burning fat but also improving your metabolism. Regular exercise, paired with a healthy diet, could help improve heart health and reduce the symptoms of conditions such as diabetes.

Ultimately, it can also reduce your risk of falling, which means there’s even more of a reason to exercise regularly.

Exercising with a Personal Alarm

Of course, if you are already living with a medical condition, the idea of exercising may make you anxious. What can you do if you experience a fall while working out?

Fortunately, there is a way to exercise at home and benefit from 24/7 peace of mind.

LifeConnect24 personal alarms can be worn throughout the home and garden, making them ideal for wearing during exercise. They’re also lightweight, so they won’t get in the way. If you feel unwell whilst exercising, or fall over and hurt yourself, a simple button press makes it easy to arrange help. Alternatively, a fall detector plan can send an automatic alert after a hard fall.

When your personal alarm is activated, our in-house Response Team answer your alert through your base unit. They will assess the situation before informing your emergency contacts that you require support. If necessary, the Response Team will also inform the emergency services.

Exercising at Home

The home is one of the safest places you can exercise, especially if you’re exercising with a personal alarm. You are in familiar surroundings and can take a rest when you need one. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to avoid purchasing any specialist equipment.

For example, one effective method of building up muscle strength ad supporting heart health is step-ups. These can be done using the bottom step of your stairs. You can even use the banister for support. Simply lift one foot onto the bottom step, repeat with your other foot, and then step back down, one foot at a time. Repeat this exercise several times a day, and you’ll build up strength in your legs that will reduce the likelihood of falls.

Another easy option is to walk around your garden. Even something as simple as walking around for fifteen minutes can help keep your body strong and healthy. What’s more, you will also be getting some sunlight, which helps your body’s vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption.

Moreover, you can still enjoy the comfort of exercising with a personal alarm, as our alarms come with a range of up to 600m from base unit to pendant.

Order Your Personal Alarm Today

A personal alarm supports your independence at home, making it easy to call for help in an emergency. You can wear your pendant anywhere, even in the shower. To feel safer exercising with a personal alarm, order yours today.

Simply call our team on 0800 030 8999 or order online.

LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
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