Meet The Team: Britany – HR Assistant

• Written by Josh

Welcome to the first in our new Meet The Team blog series! Through this series we aim to give you an insight into everyday life here at LifeConnect24 and the members of staff who work to provide you with the highest quality of service.

Over the next few weeks we will introduce you to different members of our team, across the different departments. They will speak about their role within the company along with interesting facts about themselves.

Today we speak with Britany, who is the HR Assistant here at LifeConnect24!


  • Name – Britany
  • Favourite Movies – Psychological Thrillers and Horrors
  • Favourite Food – Anything Spicy
  • Hobbies – Socialising, Cooking and Video Games

“As a philosophy graduate from the University of Birmingham, I’m also fascinated by things that push the realms of everyday human thinking and challenge us to explore our own minds while keeping us on our toes – and I absolutely love a challenge.”

What is your role at LifeConnect24 and what does this usually involve on a daily basis?

Within LifeConnect24 I fulfil the role of HR assistant. This means that I am in charge of new staff recruitment, employee payroll, creation and implementation of all HR policies, staff benefits as well as devising training programs and learning supplements.

It’s a great mixture of work so from day-to-day, what I’m occupied with changes drastically. However, most of the time you would probably find me typing away with proverbial blinkers on, oblivious to the world around me. It’s a busy job but a fantastic one.

What do you enjoy most about working for LifeConnect24?

Without a shadow of a doubt, my favourite part of working for LifeConnect24 has to be the people. I feel really lucky to have gained a job in such a great company, essentially keeping everyone else happy and having such a friendly, charismatic and lively bunch of people to look after. It’s always a million times better going into work if you love your job and the people around you.

What are the most challenging aspects of your role?

The most challenging aspect of my job has to be the recruitment process. Due to our fantastic company culture, like-minded goals and positive outlook it can be quite a challenge to find others which fit these criteria to a ‘T’. Although, it is well worth the challenge when looking at the people here now.

Any memorable stories?

It is so hard to narrow down all the great moments here. Every day, each person will be laughing, smiling and generally having a great time (except me when I’m tempted by all the sweet treats brought in – people here love to ruin your fantastic diet plans!) If I had to pick one, it would probably be my first day. I was fairly nervous, as anyone is in a new environment, tackling new work and meeting new people… me probably more than most as I’m a chronic worrier.

I didn’t need to be worried at all. Throughout the day people were coming up and introducing themselves with some of the widest smiles I’ve ever seen, they made me feel completely at ease straight away. It is by far the best welcome I have had to any job.

What would you say to elderly people who are considering joining our service?

My field is very internal to the company, so if I was to give someone who was considering joining our service advice I would have to stick to the area I know – the people. I can guarantee that you would gain a better service with us than any other provider, simply because of the people who would be helping you along the way.

I have never met such a genuine, compassionate bunch who care about all of our customers with such high levels of integrity. If you choose the Lifeline service with us you will know, without any doubt, that the people here will take care of you no matter what.

Keep checking the LifeConnect24 blog in order to meet more members of our team in the coming weeks!

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