VAT Exemption on personal alarms

Did you know that you can get VAT relief on certain products and services if you have a disability or long-term medical condition? The vast majority of our alarm users don’t have to pay any VAT on their personal alarm systems.

VAT EXEMPTION on LifeConnect24 alarms

If you have a disability or long-term medical condition, you will likely be exempt from VAT on certain products and services. We are able to offer VAT exemption on our personal alarm service.

This means that, if you meet the criteria set by HMRC, you will not have to pay any VAT when you purchase a Lifeline alarm. HMRC states that a product that has been “designed or adapted for a disability” is eligible for VAT exemption.

The Lifeline Alarm service is designed to support anyone who is elderly, frail, or disabled and who might require emergency help. Most of our customers are VAT-exempt. So, with price starting from just £14.99 a month, you can have a life-saving personal alarm in your home for an affordable price.

VAT Exemption Criteria

HMRC has set out specific criteria which customers must meet in order to qualify for VAT exemption. These criteria state that the customer must have a long-term illness, a terminal illness, or a disability in order to be eligible.

The World Health Organisation states that a long-term illness is one that lasts longer than three months. Examples include diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease.

A long-term physical or mental impairment such as dementia, hypertension, blindness, or asthma would also qualify you for VAT exemption.

When you order a Lifeline alarm online or over the phone, our friendly team will ask you whether you qualify for VAT exemption. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure – we can help you find out. After placing your order, we’ll send you a VAT Relief form; you’ll simply need to fill in this form with your name and medical condition(s).

Qualifying Conditions

Alzheimer’s Disease Amputated Limbs Angina
Ankylosing Spondylitis Arthritis Ataxia
Bronchiectasis Cancer Cerebellum Ataxia
Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Vasculitis Chronic Arthritis
Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease (COPD) Degenerative Spine Dementia
Diabetes Diverticulitis Emphysema
Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Functional Movement Disorder
Lymphedema Motor Neurone Disease Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy Myelitis Oedema
Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Parkinson’s Disease
Partially Sighted Peripheral Vascular Disease Pneumonia
Polymyositis Pulmonary Fibrosis Pulmonary Hypertension
Respiratory Failure Rheumatism Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scoliosis Spina Bifida Spondylitis
Stenosis Stroke  

Our most popular personal alarm services

Choose your personal alarm

Lifeline Personal Alarm

from £11.25 /month SAVE £45 £135 /12 months, was £180
  • Plug & Play Lifeline Vi Alarm
  • Waterproof MyAmie Pendant
  • 100m Alert Range
  • Neck & Wrist Strap
  • 24/7 Monitoring
  • Lifetime Warranty
Shop now

Lifeline Fall Detector Personal Alarm

from £13.75 /month SAVE £50 £165 /12 months, was £215
  • Plug & Play Lifeline Vi Alarm
  • Waterproof Fall Detector
  • Fall Detection Service
  • Neck & Wrist Options
  • 24/7 Monitoring
  • Lifetime Warranty
Shop now

SmartLife Personal Alarm

from £15.50 /month SAVE £42 £186 /12 months, was £228
  • Fastest Connecting Alarm
  • Plug-in Anywhere Digital Alarm
  • 600m Alert Range
  • Optional Fall Detection
  • Neck & Wrist Option
  • 24/7 Monitoring
  • Lifetime Warranty
Shop now

SmartLife Fall Detector Personal Alarm

from £19.50 /month SAVE £54 £234 /12 months, was £288
  • Fastest Connecting Alarm
  • Plug-in Anywhere Digital Alarm
  • 600m Alert Range
  • Fall Detection Service
  • Neck & Wrist Option
  • 24/7 Monitoring
  • Lifetime Warranty
Shop now