How Bridgit Can Support Unpaid Carers

• Written by @Lifeline24

Caring for a loved one can be a challenging experience. Sometimes it can feel quite overwhelming. In fact, according to CarersUK, 8 in 10 people caring for loved ones say they have felt lonely or socially isolated.

When you need additional support, you may wonder where you can turn. Fortunately, Bridgit provide an online carer support tool that can help.

Who are Bridgit?

Bridgit are a Social Enterprise supporting families and carers. They have partnered with LifeConnect24 to help our customers and their families receive additional reassurance and support.

Unpaid carers provide a critical service to our society. However, despite their hard work there is a lack of support available for their care role challenges, with over half of carers feeling anxious or stressed about their finances. Bridgit was founded to provide additional support for carers in their daily lives. They provide technical solutions as well as resources and guidance.

As part of their efforts to support carers across the UK, they have introduced an online carer support tool.

Bridgit’s Online Carer Support

Bridgit’s online carer support tool is available free for all carers across the UK.

The online tool focuses on not just your role in looking after someone else, but also provides you with information on your health, finances, work, and other aspects of your personal life.

When you use the tool, you fill in a short questionnaire. Each section is accompanied by a helpful video to talk you through the topics. Your answers will then be used to provide you with a personalised plan. This will contain relevant information specific to the challenges you’re facing.

Your final report will be split into sections focused on your main areas of concern. For example, if you answered that you were worried about which benefits you can claim, your report will direct you towards a benefit checker. If you are struggling with your mental health, it will recommend resources that could help.

Furthermore, you will be presented with suggested tasks to complete. These tasks have been created with the intention of helping you address your concerns, and you will also be pointed towards organisations and upcoming events that can help. The tool brings everything you need from online sources all into one place.

You can also share your report with friends and family, and you can revisit it and change it at any time.

Try It Now

What is an Unpaid Carer?

Many people across the UK provide support to others to help enable them to maintain their health and independence with day-to-day living. In fact, a government report estimates that 6% of people in the UK are providing unpaid care. From medication and domestic support to 24hr assisted care, the role of an unpaid carer is varied and can often impact their own wants and needs.

According to the NHS:

“A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.”

When providing care, they are not receiving any financial incentive; it is not their job, though they may be fulfilling their care role full time. Others may be providing care alongside working in another role.

Being an unpaid carer can result in financial challenges and impact social opportunities. This is especially true if the carer is looking after more than one person. As a result, it is particularly important that unpaid carers have access to support of their own.

Other Helpful Resources

There are a wealth of resources available to unpaid carers throughout the UK. Whilst the Bridgit online carer support tool can help signpost you to support specific to you, here are some other general resources to explore.

Carer’s Allowance

For carers providing at least 35 hours of support per week, the Carer’s Allowance government benefit may offer additional financial security. It is intended to operate as an income supplement. This makes it especially useful for carers who have been forced to step away from regular work to care for their loved ones.

Find Out More: Carer’s Allowance

Carer’s Assessment

People providing care to someone else can request an assessment from their local authority. This will find out what adjustments could be made to make life easier. The carer’s assessment will then inform how the council can provide support. This could include covering the cost of travel or arranging extra help in the home.

Contact Your Local Social Services Team to Arrange an Assessment

Respite Care

There is nothing wrong with a carer needing a break from their responsibilities. Being a carer is a taxing role, and the carer’s wellbeing is just as important as that of the person they are caring for. After all, they cannot provide good care if they are unwell themselves. Respite care can be arranged to provide temporary support while the carer takes time to address their own needs.

Find Out More: Respite Care (NHS)

Personal Alarms

When additional reassurance is needed, a personal alarm provides 24/7 peace of mind. LifeConnect24 offer a range of alarm plans suited to the needs of carers and their loved ones. Loved ones are in safe hands with a LifeConnect24 alarm; help is arranged at the press of a button. A personal alarm encourages independence at home and relieves pressure for an unpaid carer with the knowledge that a 24/7 response is at hand, when they cannot always be. Find out more about Lifeline24’s personal alarm service.

Buy a LifeConnect24 Alarm Today

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