Did you know that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind every year in England alone? To many people, mental health might just feel like the current hot topic but, in reality, it's something that affects us all. It's very important to be aware of your mental health and take active steps to look after your mental wellbeing, just like you would with your physical health!
We know it can be difficult to acknowledge and talk about how you're feeling and that's okay. It's a learning curve for everybody. We hope that reading this blog will be a good start when it comes to looking after your mental health.
Today's article comes from Becci Howard, who runs her own blog called A Medic's Mental Health Journey.
Factors Affecting Mental Health
The process of getting older brings lots of changes - and mental health is no exception. Many factors can affect an older person's mental wellbeing and make someone feel down or out of sorts. Below are some of the things that might have got you down lately:COVID-19
Coronavirus has dominated the headlines and our day-to-day lives for the last year. This might affect your mental health if you are feeling worried about the virus itself or feeling lonely at home. Remember that you aren't alone. Age UK reports that 1 in 3 older people currently feels more anxious than they did before the pandemic.Retirement
Retirement represents a huge change to your everyday routine, especially if you've been working all your adult life (or even longer!) You might it difficult to adjust to retired life for a few reasons. You may miss socialising at work or having the sense of structure and purpose that employment can give us.Money Worries
Financial concerns can put a significant strain on our mental health. If you're worried about money, you may want to seek advice about benefits to try and alleviate your concerns. To learn more about the benefits you could be claiming, read: Benefits for Pensioners That You Should Be ReceivingBereavement
The death of a loved one has an undeniable impact on mental health. Grieving is never an easy process. It can cause so many different feelings: sadness, frustration, anger, denial... the list goes on. Remember that you are not alone. Grief is something everybody goes through and everybody responds to it differently. It's important to talk openly about your feelings with people you trust.Being a Carer
Lots of people become carers for their partners, relatives, or friends in later life. Being a carer can be very rewarding but it can also take a toll on your mental wellbeing, especially when combined with any of the other factors we've discussed.Abuse
Sadly, around one million people over the age of 65 are victims of abuse each year in the UK. That's according to Hourglass, the UK's only charity focused on the abuse and neglect of older people. This abuse can take many forms including physical, verbal, sexual or financial abuse as well as neglect. If you are worried, please reach out. Call 999 if there is any immediate danger. Otherwise, the Hourglass helpline is available between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday. The National Domestic Abuse helpline (0808 2000 247) is also available 24/7.Disability or Physical Health Problems
Elderly mental health and physical health go hand in hand. Disabilities and physical health issues can have an impact on your independence. It can be frustrating when you can't do all the things you once enjoyed doing by yourself. Certain medications may also affect your mood. If you have any concerns about your physical or mental health, please speak to your doctor. Do not stop taking any medications suddenly without a doctor's advice.Winter Months
When the days are shorter and the weather is colder, it's only natural to feel a little gloomy sometimes. However, if your mental health takes a knock in the winter months, you may be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). To find out more, read: Seasonal Affective Disorder: Mental Health Tips For Winter.Alcohol Use
According to NHS statistics, men and women aged 55 to 64 were the most likely to drink more than the recommended weekly amount of alcohol (14 units). Although many of us like a tipple, drinking too much alcohol can cause feelings of anxiety and low mood. If you drink, be sure to do so in moderation. Try to avoid drinking more than 14 units per week and spread out your alcohol consumption over three or more days; don't drink all your weekly units at once! If you're trying to cut down your alcohol consumption, read: 5 Ways of Cutting Down and Quitting Alcohol.No Particular Reason At All
Please remember that this is just as valid as any other reason on our list. Sometimes, we might not be able to pinpoint a particular reason for feeling sad or anxious and that's okay. Regardless of your specific issues or their causes, everyone deserves support when it comes to mental health.
Elderly Mental Health Support
Lots of older people believe that feeling low is just a natural part of the ageing process, but this isn't the case. If you have any concerns about your mental health and wellbeing, it's important to speak to your doctor. Remember that mental health is just as important as physical health. Talking to your GP will help you feel better as soon as possible. Some people may be reluctant to reach out for help from a doctor but don't worry - you won't be bothering them, even during the pandemic. They are there to help you! You might have a telephone appointment instead of a face-to-face meeting to keep you both safe from the virus.Looking After Your Mental Health
You can take steps to look after your own mental health too. Here are a few important steps that everyone can take:Stay in Touch
It's important to keep in contact with family and friends as much as you can. This will help to prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness, which have been a big factor in mental health issues since the pandemic began. Call your loved ones on the phone or use video calls. For anyone who isn't familiar with modern technology and social media, read: Keeping in Touch during Lockdown: Tech Tips for Older PeopleDid you know that LifeConnect24 offers a daily Reassurance Calls service? We can call you every day to see how you're doing and have a friendly chat.