5 Flowers to Plant this Spring

With Spring right around the corner, it's time to start planning your garden! Flowers Across Sydney has selected 5 flowers to plant this year.
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5 Flowers to Plant this Spring
If you’re looking for a sign that warmer weather is on the way, then be on the lookout for Spring flowers. It’s that time of year again and if you’ve got a green thumb (or would like one), then over the next few weeks you might want to get out in the garden and get your Spring flowers growing. Not all flowers are ideally planted at this time, however, so we’ve asked the professionals from Flowers Across Sydney to select a few favourites for your consideration.

1. Pansy

Pansies are one flower that prefer the slightly cold weather. It’s an easy flower to grow in the garden or in a container on your window, so even if you’re not an experienced gardener, the pansy could be for you. It also has a wide range of colours, so you’re not restricted by colour range at all. To get the most from your pansies, keep them in the sun with only a little shade.

2. Lilac

Another great choice for your Spring planting is the lilac. Lilacs not only look great, but they have a pleasant fragrance as well. Unlike some of the other recommendations here, lilacs come in shrub or tree form, so you won’t be able to plant them in a small container, so you’ll need to find some space in your garden first. To get the most out of your lilacs, plant them somewhere with plenty of sun and don’t be too keen to prune them since the flowers actually bloom on old wood.

3. Iris

Whatever your colour preference, there’s a good chance that there’s an iris for you. They can take a little while to bloom, so you might not see the benefits of your labour until towards the end of spring, but they are a welcome addition to most gardens, regardless of style. Again, you’ll want to plant these somewhere that gets plenty of sun and keep the soil well drained.   iris

4. Daffodil

When people think of Spring flowers, daffodils are usually what come to mind. They’re bright, fun and are just the trick for taking you out of a cold Winter and warming you up for a nice Spring. They also come in a wide variety of sizes, so you can find a spot for them no matter what size your garden is. As with the other flowers, make sure they get plenty of sun and are kept well-watered.

5. Tulips

Another great choice for your Spring garden is the tulip. They add brightness and colour, and can really stand out. They are also quite versatile and can be used in lots of different styles of gardens; from more formal to more modern and casual settings. They come in plenty of different shades and sizes too, so no matter what size your garden is you’ll find somewhere for some tulips, which is why we’ve rounded out the five top flowers for Spring with them. So there you have it; a quick selection of five flowers to potentially start your new Spring garden off with. Of course, there are more options out there but if you’re unsure of where to start then you can’t go wrong with the list above. Just pick one or two to get started and you’ll be rewarded with new flowers sooner than you think.

Personal Alarm Information

Remember, our personal alarms will still work outside in the garden (up to 100 metres). This means that if you have a fall whilst your planting your new flowers, you can press your pendant and help will be sent your way. For more information about our service, please get in touch with our friendly team on 0800 999 0400. Alternatively, complete our contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Remember to use the discount code BLOG2018 when you order one a personal alarm on a Monthly or Annual Plan to receive £5 off.

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