Top 5 Health and Mobility Devices for Older People

The market for health and mobility devices for older people is huge. Here are the ones which we believe are the most useful and helpful.
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Top 5 Health and Mobility Devices for Older People
Technology is becoming a bigger part of older people's lives, especially in the health and mobility sector. There are plenty of devices available now which can help you get around the house and around the shops. There are also plenty of devices which allow you to look after your health and well-being at home. Today's article will take a look at five of the very best health and mobility devices available today.

Personal Alarms

Our personal alarm service allows you to move around your home with confidence once again. You can remain in the comfort of your own home, with the peace of mind that if you fall or feel unwell, you have somebody to call for help. The personal alarm system includes the stylish MyAmie Pendant. This device can be worn on the wrist or around the neck. The choice is yours as both attachments come alongside the pendant. In an emergency, you simply need to press the red button on your pendant. This action will send an instant alert message through to our 24-hour Response Team. They will respond via your alarm base unit's loudspeaker, assess your situation, and take the appropriate actions to help you. This will commonly include contacting your emergency contacts, chosen during the ordering process, and the emergency services if they are needed. The MyAmie Pendant is a great mobility device as it works all around the home and the garden. The pendant has the following features:
  • 100 Metre Range – This means you can move freely around your garden, knowing that you can call for help if you trip or fall.
  • Waterproof – This allows you to keep your pendant on whilst in the bathroom.
  • Comfortable & Stylish – Most of our customers feel comfortable enough to keep their pendant on when they leave their home.

You can find out more about our personal alarm service in our in-depth guide.

Blood Pressure Monitors

Having a blood pressure monitor at home can help you to keep an eye on your health. It has been said that checking your blood pressure at home can provide clearer, more accurate results. On this idea, the NHS says:
This can give a better reflection of your blood pressure, as being tested in somewhere like a GP surgery can make you feel anxious and can affect the result. It can also allow you to monitor your condition more easily in the long term."
Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and will be given as two figures:
  • Systolic Pressure – The pressure when your heart pushes blood out.
  • Diastolic Pressure – The pressure when your heart rests between beats.
As an example, provided by the NHS, if your blood pressure is "140 over 90" or 140/90mmHg is means that you have a systolic pressure of 140mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 90mmHg. Normal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. There is a variety of different blood pressure monitors available, but it is important that you purchase equipment that has been properly tested. Take a look at The British Hypertension Society website for validated monitors. You will also need to ensure that you are buying a monitor that measures your blood pressure using your upper arm, not your finger or wrist. You should also make sure that you have the right cuff size for your arm. The device should wrap nicely around your upper arm, with enough space to slide two fingertips underneath. Your blood pressure monitor will need to be serviced and calibrated on a regular basis to ensure that it is accurate. This usually involves sending is away to the manufacturer.

Medication Reminder Apps

There are many apps available on your mobile phone and tablet device which will remind you when you need to take your medication. Apps such as Pill Reminder Pro will allow you to enter all of the relevant information, such as:
  • The name of your medication.
  • The required dosage.
  • The frequency.
  • The time and date when it needs to be taken.
When it is time for you to take your medication, an alert will pop-up on your mobile phone or tablet. A sound will also be played in case you're not in the same room as your device. Of course, you will need to ensure that your phone is charged in order for this app to work. You will also need to be connected to your internet data or Wi-Fi.


The stairlift is one of the best mobility devices in your home. As you get older you may find it increasingly difficult getting up and down those stairs. This is especially true if you suffer from asthma or have muscle and joint pain due to arthritis and osteoporosis. Installing a stairlift is a perfect way of avoiding a staircase accident. With a stairlift, you can take a comfortable seat and relax and the chair carries you up and down the staircase. Most modern stairlifts are controlled using a joystick on the armrest. In most cases, you will also receive a remote control which you can use to move the lift from the top of the stair to the bottom...and vice versa. Stairlifts come in various shapes and sizes, to accommodate different people. They also connect to your staircase rather than the wall, this means that they can be a temporary installation whilst you're recovering from an accident. When you have a stairlift installed, the installer will come and evaluate the angle and length of your staircase to ensure a custom rail is ordered specifically for your stairs and will also access for safe access on and off the stair lift depending on the ability to transfer onto the chair. Of course, a stairlift also allows you to stay in your beloved home rather than downsizing into a bungalow.   stair lift

Mobility Scooters & Wheelchairs

The perfect way of ensuring that you can still go outside your home, even if you struggle with mobility. Mobility devices such as scooters and wheelchairs allow you to regain some independence. You will no longer need to wait for other people to go do your shopping for you, pay for a taxi or wait for the bus. Scooters and electric wheelchairs are ideal for those who struggle to walk long distances, due to the natural aging process or conditions such as Paget's disease of the bone. The good thing about mobility scooter is that they are simple to operate and manoeuvre, no matter where you wish to use them. Charging your mobility scooter is also simple. Most models come with batteries which can last a few hours before they need charging once again. When the batteries are running low, you can charge them through a regular power socket. Most bus firms also use low-floor vehicles, which means that you can take your mobility scooter onto the bus if you have far to travel. You will even have a basket available to place your shopping bags on the way home.

Personal Alarm Information

Having a personal alarm in your home provides you with somebody to help should you have a fall or feel unwell. This means that you can enjoy the features of social media, with the knowledge that you can call for help if something bad happens. For purchasing information please speak to one of our friendly advisors on 0800030 8999. Alternatively, visit our website or complete our contact us form and we will respond as soon as possible.

See how technology can help improve the lives of older people in our in-depth guide.

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