Twitter is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world. In the UK in particular, more than 13 million active users on Twitter. While the majority of Twitter users are younger people, there are growing numbers of older people taking to Twitter. We want to make social media as accessible as possible, which is why we've written this detailed guide to Twitter. We'll take you through the sign-up process step by step and help you get the most out of your online presence.
Twitter Jargon-Busting
Before we begin, let's take a moment to make sure we're all on the same page. Twitter users are an inventive bunch who have coined several words and phrases, but what do they all mean? Tweet - A post on Twitter, limited to 280 characters. Like - To 'like' a Tweet, click on the small heart icon below. Retweet - The act of sharing someone else's Tweet. To Retweet a Tweet, click the small square containing two arrows. Quote Tweet - Like a Retweet, but with the option for you to add your own caption or comment. Reply - A response to a Tweet. You can Reply to others' Tweets to start a discussion. You can also reply to your own Tweets, creating a Thread. Thread - A series of Tweets linked together. Great for sharing more complex ideas that won't fit into 280 characters. @ (Pronounced 'at') - The way to mention another user on Twitter e.g. @Lifeline24 Hashtag (#) - A way of indicating the topic you are discussing e.g #PersonalAlarms Direct Message (or DM) - A private message sent from one Twitter user to another (or to a group of others) Timeline - Sometimes abbreviated to 'TL'. This is the central page where Tweets from people you follow will appear. Trending topics will also be visible on your Timeline. Verified Accounts - If you see a blue tick next to a Twitter user's name, this means that their identity has been verified. In other words, they definitely are who they're claiming to be. Verified users normally include celebrities, politicians, and other public figures. Notifications - Whenever somebody follows you, sends you a Direct Message, or likes, Retweets, or replies to one of your Tweets, Twitter will send you a notification. With the lecture out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff!
How To Sign Up For A Twitter Account
If you want to create a Twitter account, there are a few things you will need:- An internet connection.
- A suitable device, such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet.
- An email address or mobile phone number which is not already linked to a Twitter account.

Completing Your Twitter Profile
After completing these steps, your Twitter account will be ready to go. This means you can start Tweeting, following other Twitter users, and building up followers of your own. However, you might like to add some more information to your profile before you get started. If you like, you can add a profile photo. This could be a photo of you, or of something else like a pet. Additionally, you can also supply some basic information about yourself in order to help people you know recognise your profile. You can write a brief biography (160 characters or less) which will appear on your profile. Why not use this to describe yourself or list a few topics that interest you? Optionally, you can display your age and location on your profile too.Don't forget to use discount code BLOG2020 to get £10 off your new Lifeline alarm.
Following People on Twitter
Perhaps the most exciting thing about having a new Twitter account is deciding who to 'follow'. Following someone else's account simply means that their Tweets will appear on your Timeline. Likewise, if they follow you back, your Tweets will appear on their Timeline.How to Follow
Obviously, the main draw of social media is keeping in touch with friends and family. If you want to follow people you know in real life (that's 'irl' in internet-speak) it's easy to find them. When viewing Twitter on your computer, simply click in the search bar at the top of your screen and search for another user by name. If you know their username, even better. In that case, type the @ symbol followed by their username (with no spaces).Who to Follow
Currently, the most-followed account on Twitter belongs to former U.S. President Barack Obama, who has a staggering 120.2 million followers at the time of writing. In comparison, the most-followed British account is BBC Breaking News, with 44 million. If you're looking to liven up your Timeline with some new accounts to follow, look no further! Here are a few of our recommendations:- Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) - The actor and former QI host delivers consistent wit and wide-ranging charity work.
- Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) - Add some zen to your timeline.
- NASA (@NASA) - Be the first to know all the latest space news.
- BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) - The best way to find out what's happening in the UK and around the world.
- Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) - This Harry Potter star is now a UN ambassador and women's rights activist.