Walking Sticks With Style – Neo Walk Guest Blog

• Written by Lyndsay

Today’s article comes from guest blogger Lyndsay, founder and owner of Neo Walk. After becoming an amputee in 2010, Lyndsay was dismayed at the dull, drab walking sticks and mobility aids that were currently on the market. She founded Neo Walk in 2013 to ‘break down the stigma of disability by creating stylish walking sticks to help you rediscover your best self.’

Walking Sticks With Style – Neo Walk

Who needs a helping hand now and again? Me.

Who hates admitting they need that helping hand? That’s me too!

I found this the hardest part of becoming disabled. I had always been so independent. I was active, I was strong, and losing that and having to accept help felt like a very public defeat. It was at that point my disability could have swallowed me up, had I not accepted the role of my super supportive family and also using different mobility aids such as walking sticks in my new daily life.

Red and Purple Walking Sticks from Neo Walk

Some of Neo Walk’s stylish walking sticks.

However, I was presented with some pretty ugly walking sticks back then: clunky, grey, and purely functional. No style, no colour, and they left me feeling old, frumpy, and embarrassed. I had no place in my life for that, and I guessed that most other disabled people wouldn’t either. Just because we have a disability doesn’t mean our sense of style has magically evaporated.

These Sticks Were Made For Walking

So, here I am years later, surrounded by gorgeous funky Neo Walk sticks, brightening up walking aids all over the world. That is how Neo Walk began. I got my big girl pants on, drew a deep breath and took a gamble on starting my own business. Using smooth, tactile one inch acrylic rods, I hand-make coloured, clear, light-up and custom walking sticks, for everyone, for your height, to your taste. From age 4 to 94, for every day, for weddings, for gifts and to collect. I have met the most wonderful people and hopefully contributed towards them feeling good about using a mobility aid.

Stylish Walking Sticks from Neo Walk

Neo Walk customer @chronicallyjenni

It’s definitely a 24/7 job. Ask my husband! I am constantly planning ahead, designing, marketing, but also making my beautiful walking sticks every day of course. We now send to over 20 countries, from Tasmania to Alaska. I am fiercely proud of what I make, and I provide a personal customer service ensuring everyone gets what they want and need. It’s important to me that you are 100% happy with your Neo Walk stick.

Disability and Style

Fashion and style belong to everyone. We all deserve to feel confident and safe, but we also deserve to look fantastic. Disability and style can coexist. I challenge all designers out there to be inclusive when it comes to disability. When it comes to disability design, I challenge them to be stylish and more than purely functional. Equally, I task disabled people everywhere not to settle for anything less.

If you visit social media platforms, you’ll see campaigns like #DisabledAndCute and #DifferentAidsForDifferentDays that encourage everyone to be proud of their walking aids and their unique appearance. After all, we were made to stand out, not to fit in.

Neo Walk

Website: www.neo-walk.com

Facebook: @neowalk.neowalk

Instagram: @neowalksticks

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Editor’s Note: This article was updated on 16th November 2022 to reflect current information.

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LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
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2 Thoughts On This Blog
Mara Tonothy says:
02/03/2023 at 1:44

Oh wow, just saw your walking sticks on the Lunch time news. They are so awesome and colourful, absolutely stunning.

Cindy Kuhnel says:
26/04/2023 at 6:16

Love ❤️ your walking sticks !! After 30 years as a nurse...had to retire “early” at age 58 due to severe spinal stenosis, many ruptured discs, torn knees and shoulders. Have an 8 page MRI of my back that shows an inoperable mess. I can now only walk short distances. I am not sure which of your bright walking sticks I will get !! Thanks for doing these to make many peoples day brighter !!

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