Best Social Media Channels for Over-50s

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with family and friends. Find out which social media channels are best for over-50s.
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Best Social Media Channels for Over-50s

This article was contributed by Annie Button

Social media is a powerful tool that billions of people around the world check into every day. But we are a far cry from where it began. In its infancy, social media channels were something that was used by teenagers and university students in the United States before it became more accessible and on everyone's radar. Now, 51% of people aged between 50 and 65 use Facebook, with 96% of users accessing the platform through their mobile devices. With an ability to make connections around the world, from friends and family to people with similar interests, social media is helping us find communities from the comfort of our own homes. But which are the best social media channels for people over 50?

1. Facebook

Facebook is a hugely popular site. Because of the sheer volume of people using it, it is a great platform for anyone to join. Its demographics are shifting towards an older audience, with reports that teenagers are more inclined to use TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. But their loss is our gain, and what is most helpful for Facebook users is how customisable your feed is. Once you join Facebook, you can enable chats via Messenger and personalise interesting posts to engage with friends and family (near and far) on a regular basis. Facebook allows you to filter out posts from profiles, groups, and communities you don't wish to see, leaving you with more time to see the things you do like.

2. Pinterest

A healthy one in four people aged 50-65 use Pinterest, and it's a great way to find inspiration for your hobby or latest project. Think of Pinterest as a visual discovery platform, with links to the things that you find of interest. It can help you search for ideas, be it a recipe or makeup tutorial, all based on what you like on the platform. The more you use it, the more Pinterest can understand your likes and find similar stuff while you can share your visual ideas with your connections to help inspire them too.

3. Meetup

Meetup is ideal for people who want to connect in the real world with those who have similar interests. Available as an app or via browser, Meetup helps you to find local groups based on where you live and what your interests are. From walking meets to pub quizzes, art collaborations and learning languages, there is something for everyone. Meetup has added a Seniors section to its platform, helping those aged 50 and over find people in their age group to remain socially active.

4. Stitch

Stitch rolls two popular social media platforms into one, taking a little from Facebook and Meetup and combining them. It is designed specifically for over-50s to help its members find the companionship they want from life. Stitch aims to reduce social loneliness and isolation among the over-50s by arranging local events and activities, encouraging online discussion, group travel, and volunteering projects to help grow the community. The social media platform has members from around the world all looking to connect with people of similar ages to stay socially active.

5. WhatsApp

While it was originally a useful way for people to send text messages to one another, WhatsApp is now a great way for people to stay connected to their wider network. With the ability to set up groups, for example, one containing all of your family members or a group with your friends, you can all contribute to the platform at the same time and place. This ensures that people who may not be around can stay in the loop and make plans to join social events when they are available, such as Christmas or during their holidays. WhatsApp offers video and voice calling features, too, which can be between two people or in groups. Group calls can get everyone together virtually, as though they were in the same room, ensuring that we can remain more connected than ever.

Downsides of Social Media

There are plenty of reasons to shout positively about social media channels for the over-50s, but there are some drawbacks to consider too. While social media can bring people together, those who use it can also be vulnerable to certain risks. Putting yourself out there through selfies, comments, and content is often affirming but those who receive little to no acknowledgement can begin to feel lonely. A lack of validation through social media can increase feelings of depression and anxiety while worsening your self-image. security function on a computer


Social media users must remain vigilant of potential hackers and scams. Beware of any unsolicited communications, particularly if their spelling or grammar are suspect, they want you to click on any links, or are asking for personal information such as your address or bank details. We must shore up our defences using stronger passwords, updated app versions, and multi-factor authentication. On the value of multi-factor authentication, Jed Kafetz, Head of Penetration Testing at Redscan, a leading cybersecurity threat detection company, says, "multi-factor authentication provides an important secondary layer of defence in the event of a password being stolen and is especially important given people's tendency to reuse passwords across accounts." It is important to know that social media channels are neither good nor bad. They are platforms for us to express ourselves. But we must keep the risks in mind when posting and communicating with others to ensure our health, well-being, and safety are preserved.

Benefits of Social Media Channels for Over-50s

Social media channels have woven themselves into the fabric of our society, and prove useful for many people, industries, and even governments. From influencers who can make a living through content creation, to companies that market themselves on various platforms, and politicians connecting better with their constituents, social media does a lot of good. There are also plenty of benefits to be had for the over-50s community through the use of social media channels.


Sharing images on social media makes up a large portion of the activity that people enjoy on these platforms. Selfies are great for self-expression, sharing your life with others, allowing you to be yourself, and having a sense of purpose. Nice feedback from your followers, even if they are family, can give your self-esteem a boost and affirm that people enjoy seeing and hearing from you. Tchiki Davis, PhD, for Psychology Today writes, "Self-esteem represents the foundation that supports the relationship you have with yourself." She adds, "Having a sense of purpose is the antidote to feeling worthless. When you live purposefully, you have goals that you want to achieve and make a plan to do it. You live life with these goals in mind." Social media offers us all a platform to express ourselves and form bonds with people who share our interests, hobbies, and tastes. If you feel like you want a way to express yourself, social media is the perfect opportunity to put your thoughts, ideas, and creative content out there for the world to enjoy.

Sense of Community

There is a growing concern that people over 50 are becoming more isolated and lonely, with two million set to be experiencing loneliness by 2025/26. However, online communities are thriving and many are built based on the interests, needs, and wants of their participants. For example, if you love reading but don't know of a book club near you to join, virtual book clubs can scratch the same itch. Social media's great power is bringing people together, and it's essential for finding like-minded people with the same interests. Those social media communities are happy to welcome new members, helping to bring people together and create a support system that enriches the lives of everyone involved in them.

Enjoy Social Media

Social media channels help us stay connected, whether that be virtually through comments and messages, or in person by arranging meet-ups with connections you have made online. It is a great way for over-50s to find a community of like-minded people, which can something be difficult as we feel like we are becoming more isolated as we get older.

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