This article was contributed by Shannon Lochwood
Why Passions are Important as You Age
Having a passion is important at any age. They give us an opportunity to express ourselves and engage in an activity that brings us joy. But passions can be even more important as you age and enter elderhood. As we age, we generally find ourselves with more free time and fewer ideas of how to spend it. Elderly people typically don't have jobs to eat up a portion of the day, and it can become increasingly difficult to spend time with loved ones who are busy building their own lives. This is where passions and hobbies come into play. They give older people a way to stay connected with the world and continue to find purpose.
Unfortunately, we aren't always able to continue doing what we're passionate about as we age. When our health prevents us from engaging in the activities we loved in our youth, we need to search for new ways to engage with our passions of find a new passion altogether. Read this article for advice finding your new passion.
How to Find Your New Passion
Everyone's journey to finding a new passion will be different. No two people are exactly alike, and no one process will meet everyone's needs. Your process of finding a new passion will have to be as unique as you are. With that being said, here are a few steps everyone should consider when searching for a new passion.
Open Yourself Up to New Experiences
Sitting at home and repeating the same activities day in and day out isn't a very effective way of finding new interests. If you want to find a new passion in life, then you need to get out of your comfort zone a little. There is a good chance that you may not like the first hobby you try, and that's alright. This is part of the process.
In fact, knowing what you don't like can be a significant first step in finding a new passion. Take some time every day to try something new. This could be as simple as cooking a new recipe, or as bold as
travelling to a new country. What's important is that you continue looking for something you enjoy.
Expand Your Social Circle
The people that we engage with regularly have a major impact on how we view the world and ourselves. Think about the last time you met someone new. Chances are you found something interesting about them or were at least curious about their life. And talking to that person may have left you feeling happy or inspired.
Humans are social creatures, and we naturally crave interaction with other humans. Expanding your social circle can reveal new passions and interests that you may not have found otherwise. You may even discover a common interest with some of these new friends and decide to pursue them together.
Spend Time Alone
However, even the most social of people need some time to themselves. Spending time alone gives you an opportunity to reflect on recent events and further develop your thoughts. This can have a few different benefits. Firstly, reflecting on what you liked and disliked about some activities you have tried can enlighten you on why a hobby is or isn't for you.
This will give you an idea of what new activities to try and which ones to avoid in future. Additionally, some quiet thinking time can give you ideas that you may feel compelled to share. As a result, this can help you make new friends or grow closer to the ones you already have.
Look to Your Childhood
childhood hobbies are a fantastic starting point for finding a new passion. Even if you can't participate fully in some of these activities, you can find new ways to engage with them. If, for example, you loved football as a child, you may struggle to play the sport like you used to. However, there are other ways to engage with it. Consider joining a fantasy football league, or take up
walking football. This allows you to engage with the sport you love in a more rewarding way.
Other childhood hobbies could also come to mind. Did you like painting when you were younger? Try an adult painting by numbers kit. Or perhaps there's a story you've been wanting to write and you finally have the time. There's no harm in giving them a go.
Be Inspired by Others
If you're struggling to find a new passion, look to the people you trust for inspiration. Consider reading a book of
bucket list ideas or using
wireless earbuds to listen to an inspirational podcast. The ideas for a new passion are all around you. You just need to find them.
This doesn't mean that you need to mimic the passions of others. You can certainly use them as a starting point for finding your own, though. For example, you may fin a podcast of car enthusiasts who talk about their project cars. Even if you can't work on a car yourself, you may find yourself drawn down the rabbit hole of car history, learning about what makes them special.
Staying Safe and Independent at Home
Whether you are taking up a new passion or indulging in an old one, it's important to stay safe at home. A Lifeline alarm can help.
At LifeConnect24, we believe in supporting your independence. We want you to feel confident when partaking in your favourite pastimes. With our alarm service, you are always in safe hands, providing peace of mind 24/7. Your pendant alarm can be activated at the press of a button when help is needed, and our professional
Response Team can arrange
support in moments.
Find out more about the Lifeline alarm service today by reading our
guide. For any questions, call our helpful customer service team on
0800 999 0400 or fill in our
contact form.