Getting older is inevitable, and one of the most significant problems facing over-60s in the UK is loneliness. In fact, more than a million older people say they can go a month or more without speaking to friends or family. There are several reasons this may happen, such as loved ones moving away or, sadly, the passing of close friends. But this doesn't have to mean the end of your social life. There are some easy ways to meet new people your age and battle the effects of isolation.
The Importance of Staying Social
It can be easy to convince yourself that becoming more isolated is an inevitable part of growing older. However, this doesn't have to be the case. In the modern world, there are a wealth of ways to stay in touch with loved ones and meet likeminded people. What makes staying social so important is the impact loneliness and isolation can have on mental and physical health. A lack of social engagement is often directly linked to a reduction in activity, which leads to conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, socialising keeps your brain sharp, reducing the likelihood of developing problems with memory or thought.Meeting New People
There are many reasons to consider meeting new people. As well as warding off the effects of loneliness, new people can also help you discover new interests and give you insight into the ways of the world. One of the most rewarding aspects of forming new friendships is learning about another person's life and background. You never know what you might find out. Plus, by learning more about different people, you will be improving your empathy. So, how should you go about it? Here are some easy ways to meet new people your age.Engage in Your Hobbies
We all have activities that pique our interest, and it's important to pursue these for as long as possible. What's more, a hobby is often the perfect way to form new friendships. After all, one of the most exciting parts of a hobby – after the activity itself – is talking about it with people who share your passion. There are several ways to use your hobbies to meet new people. It may be joining an online community of fellow hobbyists, or simply joining a local activity group. For example, many areas across the country host "Men's Sheds", where you can work on community projects with likeminded people. Despite the name, some also allow women to join. It's always worth checking your local community centre and bulletin boards for clubs and activities near you. If you're tech-savvy, you can also search online.Try Something New
Of course, whilst pursuing an existing hobby is a great way to meet new people your age, expanding your horizons can help, too. It's important to keep an open mind as you get older – after all, life doesn't end once you turn 50, or 60, or even 90. There is always more to learn. Learning keeps your mind sharp, and your family will always be impressed by what you're doing to stay involved. With that in mind, it's worth looking into adult learning classes, or activities you've never thought of trying before. Sign up for a computer class, learn a new language, or get started with skydiving. Age doesn't have to be a barrier. By trying new things, you'll meet new people, forming friendships with fun characters you may have never otherwise met.Be a Volunteer
If trying skydiving in later life is a bit much for you, perhaps something more sedate but still rewarding is a better choice. Volunteering has become a highly popular pastime for many retirees, providing a sense of purpose without taxing your energy too highly. There are plenty of options available for the prospective volunteer. Charity shops are always in need of people to help sort through donations, stock shelves, and help customers – this is a way to help a larger cause with a regular shop floor role. Alternatively, why not help at your local primary school, helping to create a bright future for the youth of today. And these suggestions are only the tip of the volunteering iceberg. As well as supporting good causes, you are sure to meet new people your age with the same passion for helping. Plus, you can strike up conversation with the people you are supporting. Even volunteering at an animal shelter can help you to socialise.Get a Pet
On the subject of animals, getting a pet – especially a dog – can be a great way to meet new people your age. Taking your pet out for a walk is often a great way to strike up conversation. People may want to say hello to your animal, which is ideal for getting to know someone. Another way pets help is by introducing you to fellow pet owners. Soon enough, you may find yourself as part of a dog walking group, heading out for walks together. Walking has many health benefits and doing it in a group is ideal for peace of mind. Pets also provide you with companionship when you're not spending time with friends or family. In fact, owning pets can even have health benefits, including reducing stress levels and lowering blood pressure.Use the Internet
We touched on it a couple of times earlier in this article, but getting online is a very effective way to meet new people your age, and to stay in touch with those you already know. We live in an increasingly interconnected world and it's important to make the most of it. Of course, many of us have heard horror stories about the internet. Whether it be the unpleasant phenomenon of "trolling" or the risk of scams, it's easy to feel anxious about getting online. However, the best way to fight these negative elements is to put some positivity back into the world. Join social media and find groups of people who share your interests. There are hundreds of communities dedicated to every hobby imaginable, so you are sure to find your people. Remember: the block and report buttons are your friends and exist to make the internet a more pleasant experience for everyone. Online friendships even have the potential to transition into real life.Speak to Family
If you want to meet new people your age but are nervous about getting started, ask family and friends for help. They will no doubt be pleased to hear that you are trying to stay social and will be able to give you guidance. For example, they can help you set up your social media accounts or arrange travel to activities. Talking to them about your ideas may prompt them to provide extra inspiration. Moreover, their encouragement can surely only serve to boost your confidence.Peace of Mind from LifeConnect24
It's important to feel safe and secure throughout life. As well as being sensible online and when travelling to meet new people your age, you should make sure you feel safe at home. Falls are a risk for many over-60s. You should make sure you have taken steps to reduce the risk of falls at home, but it also pays to consider a personal alarm, such as those we provide at LifeConnect24. A personal alarm makes it easy to call for help in an emergency, without the need to fumble with a phone or remember phone numbers. You simply press the button on your alarm pendant or base unit and an alert is sent to our specially trained Response Team. If you choose one of our fall detector plans, your alarm can also send an automatic alert after a fall. When your alert call is received, the Response Team will assess the situation through the base unit loudspeaker before arranging the necessary help. This will usually be your nominated emergency contacts, but when necessary our team will also contact the emergency services.To find out more about the LifeConnect24 personal alarm service, please get in touch with our helpful team on 0800 030 8999 or check out our product pages.