This article was contributed by Chris Smith of Spend It Like Beckham
There's a common misconception that travel is a young person's game. Have you ever mumbled that you've passed the craze, you're too old now, or "that kind of stuff just isn't for me"? A life of aeroplanes, backpacking, and sightseeing is surely for youngsters. However, this is absolutely not the case.
There is no expiration date on travel. It's something that can be enjoyed at any age. So, no matter if you're just starting to explore or want to continue your adventures, don't let your age put you off.
To convince you, here are five reasons why you're never too old to travel.
1. You've Got the Time
After years of working hard, it's time to enjoy retirement. However, it's important to keep busy. What better way to stay active than going on holiday?
Retired folk can pick when to go on vacation. Gone are the days of working around the kids' school holidays or your annual leave; you can go whenever you want.
Plus, going at off-peak seasons will mean destinations aren't as busy. It'll also save you a bit of money.
2. It's Not as Expensive as You Think
Holidays used to be expensive back in the day due to expensive air travel. However, this has changed over time, and now billions of people fly across the world every year.
Also, following on from the above point, OAPs can benefit from discounts. There are many over-60s discounts available to take advantage of, from plane tickets to tourist attractions and more!
Additionally, there are countless "travel hacks" to learn from to help you budget while on holiday. You can save more by looking into travel credit cards, free activities, self-catering, or budget hotels.
3. There's No Time Limit On Adventure
Just because you're older doesn't mean you can't try new things and explore the world. There's a misconception that older people have "seen and done it all" but this is simply not the case!
Saburo Shochi was 106 when he travelled around the world by public transport. He covered over 35,000 miles and has even been recognised by the Guinness World Records.
There should be no age limit to travel. All ages, genders, and backgrounds should experience the joys of travel. The only one stopping you - is you!
4. There's More to Gain Than Risk
It's common for older people to suffer from travel anxiety. Leaving the home comforts for a foreign land can be daunting at any age, but especially as you grow older. It's easy to fall into routines and habits, which can be difficult to break.
Plus, between
30 and 40% of people admit to being scared of flying. On top of travel anxiety, this fear can deter countless people from travelling.
But it's important to remember the positives of travelling. Air travel is only one aspect of the journey; there's so much more to look forward to once you've landed. Think of all the pictures you can take of attractions, landscapes, and scenery. You'll learn different history, experience new things, and immerse yourself in the culture. For that, you'll come back a better person.
5. Instead of Saying "No", Adapt
There will always be a million reasons to say "no" to something. However, instead of giving in, why not adapt?
As you get older, you chances of developing health issues increase. Conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and chronic pain can feel like enough to discourage you, but there are ways to modify your travel to satisfy your need to explore while keeping safe.
Always discuss with your doctor or consultant before planning any travel. They will be able to advise you on what is best for your condition. Some conditions could be unsafe to fly with, but that doesn't mean you can't travel by train, coach, or even a luxury cruise. It's all about adapting.
If your health prevents you from travelling, make an appointment with your doctor or specialist to see what can be done to help. For example, if your irregular heartbeat is causing you to become dizzy or faint, ask about getting a
pacemaker. Many think pacemakers prevent them from flying, but
this is not true. You should be able to fly fine with one but will have to inform airport security.
The World is Yours
Overall, travelling is not an age-restricted
hobby. While ageing comes with more health complications, this doesn't mean you have to give up on new adventures. By adapting your itinerary, you'll still be able to explore this little blue planet.
There's a saying that goes, "you're only as old as you feel", and if you feel like travelling you should!
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