Welcome to another LifeConnect24 case study where we talk to our customers about their experience living with a LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm. Today we’ve been speaking to 81-year-old Brenda Bradshaw, a native of East Sussex who has had her alarm for almost 3 years.
About Mrs Bradshaw
Mrs Bradshaw enjoys several hobbies including painting, piano playing, singing in a choir, sewing and she is currently learning to speak Italian. Brenda also does a spot of gardening when she feels up to it, but as she suffers from Arthritis and has had a knee replacement and hip operation she can’t always walk as far as she once could. Arthritis is a medical condition which affects around 10 million people in the UK, it can affect people of all ages but can be seen more commonly in older people. Living with arthritis can be difficult at times but it’s certainly something that can be managed. Brenda lives alone and doesn’t have any family or close friends in her area. After he knee replacement she was worried that if she fell nobody would know or be able to help her, so she felt investing in a personal alarm was the right thing to do. Mrs Bradshaw said:I had also heard first hand of people falling and taking all day to get to the phone, and one was even left in the bath for two days until somebody found her”
Using The Alarm
A lot of our Lifeline alarm users sometimes find themselves pressing their button accidentally. We understand that this can happen, and our Response Team are always happy to answer false alarm calls. They are always happy to hear that an alarm user is safe and will be extremely understanding if this does happen. Mrs Bradshaw told us about the time when she accidentally pressed her alarm button on the way to a shopping trip.I went shopping very early one morning and forgot to leave my pendant at home. Somehow, I must to have knocked it on the way out and it contacted Lifeline. When I returned home a paramedic was coming out of my home, a neighbour was looking over her balcony and somebody else rushed to greet me. As I hadn't responded to the Lifeline call the Response Team had tried to call my emergency contact – my sister. She had then tried to call me on my mobile phone but guess what - I had forgotten to take that with me shopping! My sister lived too far away to get here quickly so Lifeline arranged for a paramedic to come to my home.”We would much rather be safe than sorry, so as our Response Team wasn’t able to get in touch with Brenda they called her sister and when her sister couldn’t attend the property, they arranged for a paramedic to go. The paramedic was pleased to see that Mrs Bradshaw was safe and could be on his way. Mrs Bradshaw could have left her pendant at home while she went out, but we recommend that our customers keep their buttons on at all times, so they don’t forget to put it back on! Our alarm buttons are waterproof, so they can even be worn in the shower or bath – so there’s really no need to take them off!
TSA Accredited Response Team
We asked Mrs Bradshaw how the Response Team reacted in this incident, and she told us that although she was extremely upset and felt foolish, she was reassured not to worry about it "We all know now that the system works". Our Response Team are TSA accredited which means they answer all alarm calls within seconds. With a personal alarm, Mrs Bradshaw is constantly reassured that help is always there 24/7, whatever the circumstances. She told us: “I press the button every month to make sure my pendant is working. The staff at Lifeline are always very pleasant and helpful.” We asked Mrs Bradshaw what she would tell someone who is apprehensive about purchasing an alarm. She said:After my unintentional call out I know 100% that the system works. I would say to everybody to get an alarm now! It will reassure you that help is always there for you when you need it”.