Halloween: Remember about the Elderly

Halloween may be fun for children and younger people, but remember that having people banging on the door can be intimidating for the elderly. See more.
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Halloween: Remember about the Elderly
For many, Halloween is a fun time of dressing up, parties and sweet treats! But for the elderly and vulnerable at home, it can be intimidating to have strangers knocking at their door. We've put together some tips to help everybody get through the night.

Halloween Tips for the Elderly

  • Love celebrating Halloween? Ask a relative or loved one to help you hand out sweets and answer the door, or even get a few people together for a fun gathering.
  • Get all your windows and doors checked regularly to ensure breaking in isn't easy for opportunists. Secure locks will give you peace of mind all year round.
  • Ask a relative or neighbour if they can come and check in on you or stay the evening to keep you company. If they prefer, maybe you could visit their home for the evening?
  • To try and prevent Trick-or-Treaters from knocking on your door this Halloween, try placing a message on your front door which politely explains that you don't wish to take part. In theory, people should come to your door if you don't have a pumpkin or any other decorations up.
  • In the event of anti-social behaviour or any other illegal acts, report it to the police. Or if you have any concern or feelings of fear pick up the phone to someone who can come around. Don't be too proud to ask for some company or comfort. If you have an alarm, press your MyAmie Pendant and our Response Team will arrange for help to come to you.

Halloween Tips for the Trick or Treaters

To help protect the elderly this Halloween, it's important for the Trick-or-Treaters to take them into consideration. Here're some useful tips for parents and anybody going out onto the streets:
  • If you know that an elderly person lives at the next house, and there no decorations, then it's best to ask your children to miss that house out.
  • Only knock once. If nobody answers, they may not wish to be disturbed. Constant banging may frighten the elderly. If they suffer from a medical condition, this could potentially be very dangerous.
  • Try to not shout and scream too loudly whilst you're out and about - especially if you know you're in an area where older people live. Again, this could frighten the elderly.
  • Ensure that you're children are polite and friendly if the homeowner chooses to answer their door.
  • If you see any anti-social behaviour this Halloween, such as eggs being thrown at houses, please contact the police immediately and take your children away from the area.

A Thought for Dementia

Take extra care if you have a relative with dementia. Strangers coming to the door on Halloween can be incredibly confusing and frightening if someone with dementia is already starting to struggle with day to day life. Ensure that they are not alone and try to distract them from any noise outside that may confuse them - put on a film or some music they enjoy.

Stay Safe at Home

Our personal alarm service is ideal for people who live alone or suffer from any medical conditions. If you do suffer from a fall at home, you simply press the red button on your pendant and our 24-hour Response Team will respond. For further information about our alarms please speak to our friendly advisers on 0800 999 0400. Alternatively, complete our contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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