A stroke can happen to anyone, at any time, and is a life-threatening emergency that requires urgent medical attention. This makes it crucial to be able to recognise the common symptoms of a stroke in yourself or another person.
Over 150,000 people in the UK suffer a stroke each year. The most effective treatment is only possible when the condition is diagnosed within three hours of the first symptoms. In other cases, a stroke can result in significant physical and mental health disabilities or even death. In England alone, the disease claims the lives of more than 30,000 a year.
The NHS helps people to recognise the common symptoms by getting them to remember the word F-A-S-T, which stands for:
- Face - Is one side of the face drooping? A stroke victim may be unable to smile, or part of their mouth or one eye may sag.
- Arms - Can both arms be raised? Weakness in one arm is a common symptom.
- Speech - Is speech slurred? Speech may be garbled or even impossible.
- Time - If you notice any of these signs – in yourself or someone else – it’s time to call 999.
How Stroke Symptoms Can Vary
Besides weakness in the face or arm, other sudden signs include general confusion and loss of balance. While many symptoms happen abruptly, some can gradually develop. These include migraines and deterioration of sight, although severe headaches and visual impairment can also occur suddenly with a stroke. Symptoms also vary depending on the type of episode – ischaemic or haemorrhagic. Most strokes are ischaemic, caused when a blood clot stops blood getting to the brain. Haemorrhagic strokes occur when a blood vessel going to the brain bursts. Ischemic stroke symptoms include:- Sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body.
- Sudden confusion.
- Loss of vision in one or both eyes.
- Dizziness.
- Losing consciousness.
- Seizure.
- Loss of co-ordination
- Inability to move.
- Numb leg or arm.
- Loss of speech.
- Nausea.

When You Need to be Extra vigilant
It's particularly important to be aware of the common signs of a stroke if you or people you live with are in a high-risk group. Factors that increase the risk include:- Ageing.
- High blood pressure.
- Diabetes.
- Smoking.
- Obesity.
- Heavy drinking.
- Genetics.
Symptoms in Women
As the Stroke Association points out, women are more likely to have a stroke, and the symptoms may vary from the typical warning signs common among both men and women. Women have a greater risk simply because on average they live longer. Some of the stroke symptoms in women may not be perceived as signs of the disease, and this can delay treatment. Health experts at Harvard Medical School in the USA say strokes kill twice as many women as breast cancer. Symptoms in women, that may differ from those in men, include:- Hiccups.
- Fainting.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Hallucination.
- High blood pressure during pregnancy.
- Certain birth control medication, in cases of high blood pressure.
- Higher likelihood of stress disorders, which increase the risk.