How to Keep Track of Your Passwords

It can be hard to keep track of your passwords. Discover some helpful tips for keeping track of passwords in this short article.
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How to Keep Track of Your Passwords

This article was contributed by Shannon Flynn of

Keeping track of your passwords can be a burden. With accounts for email, streaming services, social media pages, and other websites, it's challenging to remember which password goes with what. Due to cybersecurity risks, you shouldn't use the same password for every account you own. Also, some websites require you to use special characters, whilst others do not. Follow these tips so you can remember your passwords and keep them safe.

Write Your Passwords Down

Writing down your passwords with a pen and paper is one of the easiest methods. Jot down the website, the email address or username associated with your account, and then the password. Be sure to make the capital letters and special characters clear so there's no confusion. Just as a password is easy to lose in your memory, a piece of paper can rip or get lost amongst your other files. Designate a notebook, notepad, journal, flashcard, or any method you choose. Keep it in a secure spot where you can easily find it when needed. For extra security, you can put the notebook in a safe or lockbox. Whilst it may seem old-fashioned, manually writing your passwords is a great way to recall them when needed.

Use a Spreadsheet

Another way to track your passwords is to use a spreadsheet. This method can be done in software like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other alternative spreadsheet programme. Start by going to a search engine like Google and typing in a phrase like "password spreadsheet template". Then, open the downloaded template into your software. You could also start from scratch in a blank document and do it yourself. Create headings for each section in your spreadsheet, like website, email address, username, and password. Then fill in the blanks as needed. You can change the entries is you need to adjust any information in the boxes. A spreadsheet will keep things organised, but you can also use a Word document or equivalent software. It all comes down to your preference.

Download Password Management Software

One way to take memorisation out of your hands is by downloading password management software. A significant benefit of having such an app is you only need to remember one password and the app will save the rest for you. Password managers can be used on most devices, such as desktop computers, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. The software protects all the information you give it, encrypting your data to keep it safe and hidden. Therefore, hackers will find it impossible to steal your information. Some password managers require you to pay for their services, but protecting your data in today's digitally driven world is essential, so these options are worth considering.

Let the Browser Remember Your Passwords

Another way to use a hands-free option is to let your web browser remember your passwords. Suppose you only use one web browser, whether it's Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. If this is the case, saving your passwords in the browser may be a good idea. For instance, with Chrome, Google will ask if you want to save the password the first time you enter it on a website. Every time you return to this site, the password will be saved for you and entered automatically. All you have to do is press enter or click the log in button. You can also do this manually by opening Chrome and clicking on settings. From there, click autofill and then passwords. This option allows you to enter the website's name, your username, and your password so the browser will remember it for you.

Choose a Method for Password Protection

Remembering all your passwords can be challenging in today's world because we use so many different websites and applications every day. Identify theft is always a concern. Hackers can try to steal your personal information, and older people are especially vulnerable to these attacks. Find a safe method that works best for you, whether you want to use software to remember your passwords or feel safer writing them down on a piece of paper. If you are worried about your wellbeing, consider a personal alarm from LifeConnect24. In the event of a fall or other emergency, help can be arranged at the press of a button. For more information read our helpful guide, or call us on 0800 999 0400 and our friendly team will answer any questions you may have.
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