Epilepsy is one of the most common medical conditions in the UK, affecting over 600,000 people. That's more than one in every 100. Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes seizures. It is worth noting, however, that not all seizures are epileptic seizures: certain heart conditions and diabetes can also cause them.
The condition is commonly diagnosed in those at polar opposites of the age spectrum: children and those over 65. To receive a diagnosis of epilepsy, a patient generally has to have suffered more than one seizure.
Credit: World Health Organization[/caption]
Epilepsy Statistics
The Epilepsy Action website provides some interesting statistics about the condition.- Every day, 87 people receive an epilepsy diagnosis.
- Only 52% of people with epilepsy are seizure-free.
- With the correct treatment, an estimated 70% of people could be seizure-free.
- There are around 60 different kinds of seizures, some more severe than others.
- Epileptic seizures can be life-threatening. 1,000 people die in the UK every year because of their epilepsy.
Causes of Epilepsy
There are several known causes of epilepsy. Some types of epilepsy are genetic, while others can begin after traumatic injuries or illnesses. Here are some of the main causes:- A brain infection, such as meningitis.
- A stroke.
- A severe head injury.
- Problems during birth, causing the baby to receive less oxygen.
Types of Epileptic Seizure
Epileptic seizures are caused by rapid and erratic electrical impulses from the neurons in the brain. There are lots of different types of seizure. The effects on the person will differ depending on the part of the brain that the seizure affects. Partial seizures only affect a small part of the brain, and there are two types:- Simple partial seizures, during which you remain completely conscious but often experience sudden intense emotion and pins and needles in your limbs.
- Complex partial seizures, during which you lose awareness, almost entering a trance, and could forget what happened afterwards.
- Atonic seizures - Cause your muscles to relax instantly, potentially causing a fall.
- Tonic seizures - Cause your muscles to tighten instantly, and carry a similar risk.
- Absences - Last 10 to 20 seconds, during which you stare vacantly into space and lose awareness.
- Myoclonic seizures - Last barely a second and involve an involuntary jerking of the limbs or upper body.
- Clonic seizures - Include similar symptoms to those of myoclonic seizures, but may last several minutes and can cause unconsciousness.
- Tonic-clonic seizures - Are most associated with the ‘image’ of epilepsy. Sufferers become stiff and lose consciousness, their arms and legs twitching. They can last several minutes.
Read More - Epilepsy Symptoms: A Guide to the Different Types of Seizures
In order for a doctor to diagnose you with epilepsy, they will need to take a detailed description of the types of seizures you have been having. As we have already mentioned, you will usually need to have had multiple seizures before you get a diagnosis. Your doctor may refer you to a neurologist - a specialist in medical conditions which affect the brain and nerves. This specialist may also suggest having an electroencephalogram (EEG) or a brain scan to look for any problems in your brain. An EEG can check for unusual electrical activity in the brain, which can be an indicator of epilepsy. A brain scan will spot problems in your brain that can cause the condition, such as an unusual growth, damage to the brain, or scarring. However, even if these tests don't show anything, it's still possible that you have epilepsy. You may receive a diagnosis based solely on your symptoms.
Treatment for Epilepsy
Though there is currently no cure, there are a range of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) that can help sufferers manage their condition. These alter the balance of chemicals responsible for carrying electrical impulses in the brain, in order to prevent seizures. There is a degree of trial and error involved in determining which type of AED is best for each person, and in what dose. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is another type of treatment. This involves placing a small electrical device under the skin of your chest. This device is attached to a wire which connects to a nerve in your back called the vagus nerve. Electricity is then sent along the wire to the nerve. It is thought that VNS can help control and reduce seizures by changing the electrical signals in the brain. Some people also find that a ketogenic diet is effective in managing epilepsy. If other treatment is not effective at managing your epilepsy, you could be a candidate for deep brain stimulation (DBS). This is similar to VNS, except the device placed in the chest is connected to wires which go directly to the brain. Electrical impulses sent along these wires can help prevent seizures by changing the electrical signals in the brain. In extreme cases, neurosurgeons can remove part of the brain to try and relieve epileptic symptoms.Read More - Common Treatments for Epilepsy
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Living with Epilepsy
Epilepsy can affect people in different ways, but there are some general things that you can do to help control your seizures and continue to live safely. Controlling your seizures as much as possible is essential as they can become very dangerous. Alongside taking all medication according to instructions, you should identify and avoid (where possible) the triggers of your seizures. Common triggers of seizures include:- Stress.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Flashing lights.
- Waking up.
- Some medications and illegal drugs.
- Periods.
Seizure Safety Tips
For some people with epilepsy, seizures are impossible to avoid. It's therefore very important to understand how to keep yourself safe during a seizure. Here are some general tips:- Cover furniture edges or sharp corners to avoid injury in case of a fall.
- Don't lock the bathroom door.
- Have a shower instead of a bath - to avoid the risk of drowning.
- Install smoke detectors to let you know if food is burning. You can lose awareness following a seizure.
- Use guards on heaters and radiators so that you don't fall directly onto them.
- Place saucepans on the back burners and with the handles turned away from the edge of the cooker, so you don't knock them over during a seizure.
- Make sure you have a way to call for help when you need it.
Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy
On rare occasions, a person with epilepsy dies during or after a seizure for no obvious reason. This is known as sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Although rare, it is important to be aware of the danger, as SUDEP can sometimes be preventable. Those who suffer from tonic-clonic seizures are generally at the highest risk of SUDEP. The main thing you can do in order to reduce your risk is to make sure your epilepsy is well controlled. This can be done by taking your medication and avoiding seizure triggers where possible. If you are concerned about your condition, you should contact your epilepsy specialist as soon as possible. A charity called SUDEP Action can offer advice and support, as well as a helpline for people who've lost a loved one as a result of epilepsy.Can I Help Somebody Having a Seizure?
The Epilepsy Action website has two separate guides which explain what to do when somebody has a seizure: one for a tonic-clonic or focal seizure and one for seizures which last over five minutes. Here are some tips for helping someone suffering from a tonic-clonic seizure: Do:- Protect them from injury (remove harmful objects from nearby).
- Cushion their head.
- Look for an epilepsy identity card or identity jewellery – it may give you information about their seizures and what to do.
- Time how long the jerking lasts.
- Aid breathing by gently placing them in the recovery position once the jerking has stopped.
- Stay with them until they are fully recovered.
- Be calmly reassuring.
- Restrain their movements.
- Put anything in their mouth.
- Try to move them unless they are in danger.
- Give them anything to eat or drink until they are fully recovered.
- Attempt to bring them round.
- You know it is the person's first seizure.
- The jerking continues for longer than five minutes.
- The person has one tonic-clonic seizure after another without regaining consciousness in-between.
- They are injured during the seizure.
- You believe they need medical attention.